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A depiction of Samuel and Diego starting the podcast

about us

We are Samuel and Diego, the brains behind the half Blood REport. Learn more about Us with a fun Q and A below, as well as some short bios. Also, we would really appreciate it if you helped us out so we can keep bringing you the Riordan news you love.



Samuel Bachman is a film student in 9th grade at Frank Sinatra School of the Arts. He is an avid Rick Riordan fan, and has been reading Uncle Rick’s books for more than half his life. He is a reader, writer, film-maker, editor (of podcasts & films), and teenager. He thought up the idea for The Half-Blood Report while reading the Percy Jackson series to his younger sister.



Diego Gonzalez is a young entrepreneur that currently attends Hunter College High School in NYC. He has attended multiple hackathons and has won many of them. His writings have been featured in multiple magazines, and his interview can be found on The Harvard Business Review. You can Find him on Linkedin Below

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